Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Meaningful Precept

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This precept is meaningful to me, because I feel alone sometimes, so, I know that if I think noble thoughts, I will not feel as alone. This can go with Wonder, because August might think noble thoughts so that he doesn't feel as alone. He feels so alone because nobody will get near him, because of his face. And he thinks that everybody is just pretending to be his friend, because of what happened at halloween.


  1. Sometimes, I need and enjoy my "alone" time. I can reflect on things and simply appreciate the silence. When I read this precept, I'm reminded how powerful and important positive thinking can be. Also, I always make sure I am proud of who I am; I don't let anyone take away my joy and the difference I can make by sharing empowering reminders to children!

  2. If you just sit down and think about your day before you head of to start everything, you day will probably be more organized. Do you just sit down and think sometimes?
